Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Spring has Sprung

My Poor 12 year old is going on day 2 of a nasty stomach bug. I thought it would be a good idea for them to get a little fresh air so I let my 12 year old go out in the yard with her sisters and take some pics. It sure didn't last long we have a lot of bees outside. I know its a sign of spring but I could do with out them lol. We have been loosly doing photography as an elective and I really think she is improving.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Today's group lesson is brought to you by the back of a box of cereal

Yeah you heard that correctly. I have always encouraged my girls to try to read the backs of cereal boxes even at a young age. I happened to find an activity we could do as a group on the back of a box this morning. I wanted to take a morning and talk about nutrition and how we take care of our bodies. This was a great jumping off point.

The activity was to make homemade playdoh and to make healthy foods to fill up the fridge made from the cereal box. The girls knowing that some fun things where coming up didn't mind so much having a good talk about nutrition and taking care of our bodies.

They really had a hard time with making items small enough for this little fridge. It was still a lot of fun. I may never have to cook breakfast again they where satisfied to know that our cereal selections are quite healthy and contain many whole grains.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday Spelling...

Generally we wouldn't "do school" on a Sunday but I wanted to get some things going early this week so we can learn about & celebrate Passover this coming week. Although my kids BEG to do school work I wanted to make it fun. We did some spelling games and word searched and for our snack we had Scrabble cheez-its. They had to spell out all their spelling words then they could eat them when we where done. I put the entire box in a big silver bowl and next time I will use 2 boxes we didn't seem to have enough letters so a lot of swapping was going on. I did take a few pics :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Well, I have not bloged in a while. Lots of big changes around here. We went from preparing to "maybe" homeschool next year. To Moving out of state and starting schooling right now. It's be a roller coaster few weeks but we are all very happy. Today is day 3 of schooling days 1&2 went really well. Quite honestly much better than I expected. My 5 year old especially really REALLY loves school. She is constantly asking for more and more and more work. I have to plan lots of extras for her because she doesn't like downtime or waiting for more work when I am working with her sisters. I really thought that having a 2 year old would get in the way a lot but it has gone much smoother than expected. She enjoys "playing" school and even has her own little journal that she gets out when we do our daily journal prompts. Id say my biggest struggle is that every time I leave the school room to do a lesson with someone or just get off my feet for a few the kids mess with each other. I really need a chair for me in their and that is top on my list right now. I am really enjoying doing FIAR (five in a row) with Morgan as well as FFL (First language lessons for the well trained mind) She is such a little sponge. She is even writing her own sentences and underlining the nouns after just 1 lesson on nouns. Erynn is really excelling in math (Saxon 8/7) I have to buy more curriculum for Aria I am doing a lot of printable worksheets and such with her right now. We are gearing up to do a unit study on Ohio State history I know nothing about the state myself having never lived here before so it should be a good learning time for all of us.
Part of our New School room!